Care Finder

Built in partnership with NHS England, local authorities and homecare providers
Provider Portal Registration
The Provider Portal is an online account that lets you manage your Home Care Finder registration details quickly and easily.
You can share your care location detail with National CCG's and Local Authorities who are looking to place care packages
You can share your contact information for referrals and enquiries, update your intervention capabilities and share additional capacity detail
View statistics on national opportunities to support your care workforce planning
View quality benchmarking intelligence, view Quality Assurance assessment ratings and Quality Standards Self Assessment Returns
Register your Care Location
Care Providers who do not use the Electronic Care Monitoring system (CM2000) can register with the system to request login credentials. Once enrolled you can provide necessary detail to become visible in the Domiciliary Care Finder:
Care Provider Portal Login
Heath and Social Care Providers in England, Scotland & Wales who use the CM Electronic Care Monitoring system are automatically enrolled and can use current CM login credentials to update primary contact and interventions detail: